Mobilya Dekorasyon

Unsafe Wınter Roads Antı-ıcıng Salt, Antı-freeze Salt Salt Lake Wholesale Salt Turkey
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Öz Ankara Tuz

Tel: 0312 349 28 88  Gsm: 0533 735 49 62

Unsafe Wınter Roads Antı-ıcıng Salt, Antı-freeze Salt Salt Lake Wholesale Salt Turkey

Ankara Salt, Salt Lake, Anti Freeze Salt, Snow Salt, Wholesale Salt, Anti, İcing Salt, Anti, Freeze Salt

 Unsafe Wınter Roads Antı-ıcıng Salt, Antı-freeze Salt Salt Lake Wholesale Salt Turkey
Fiyat:İletişime geçiniz.
Görüntüleme: 3796
İlan No: 15822
(!)Sorun Bildir
İlan Detayı:Anti-icing has many advantages

* The roadway surface is never "lost." Snowfighters respond pro-actively
* Anti-icing returns road surfaces to normal faster, resulting in fewer accidents and delays
* Using a liquid ice-melter jumpstarts the melting process because salt needs moisture to be effective and only in freezing rain would an anti-icing application not be either prewet or an entirely liquid application.
* Brine doesn’t bounce or blow off the road surface so material is used more efficiently
* If the storm is delayed, salt residue remains on the road ready to begin work when precipitation begins
* Crews can cover more territory by beginning treatment in advance of a storm
* Increased efficiency results in use of less salt, minimizing environmental concerns

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Öz Ankara Tuz
+90(312) 349 28 88

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